Today I just sat around doing nothing...
Pokémon Brawlers Progress:
0%, today I didn't even think about it(except if I consider an e-mail I received from fellow blogger "Aquarium" who has been helping me with the project, essentially he sent me an e-mail with an amazon link to the pokéballs I wanted to use in the film)
Pokémon Sapphire Progress:
All my pokémon are at lv 11, I also rushed into the Rustboro Gym and got my ass handed to me by Roxanne's Nosepass... Nosepasses(?) freaking suck...
Cosplay Stuff:
Same as Brawlers, the Pokéballs might help with some cosplays
Anime and Stuff:
Again, nothing to say here...
More Stuff:
Finally got around to seeing TheRunawayGuys' Brawl Tournament... 'twas awesome...
I really did nothing today, hell I woke up at 11:30, I didn't even have breakfast...